Friday, June 13, 2008

Thoughts On Glory

Thoughts on Glory

I long to know how deep, how wide, how long and how high...

I long to know the depth, breadth, and width; the length, and the height of Our Sovereign Lord’s Glory.

But the mere thought is soberingly profound—yet the truth of His existence and its reality is awe-inspiring.
His glory is one that is without measure. It is without boundary or limits of time and space. It does not rest satisfied in mere human thought or remembrance. It gnaws, it eats, it tears, and it destroys our human nature. For the idea in itself is more than beautiful. But the truth of its existence wages war within us, knowing all the while that indeed it is true.
We fight the truth and belittle it to a mere thought, idea, or notion. We dismiss it as random thunder of groans roaring up within us. We try as we might to ignore its roaring oration, but cannot, for He set eternity in our hearts.

As babies cry out for food never knowing of its existence, never formally being introduced, so men cry out for His Glory.

We try to capture the hidden moments revealed every so often, in paintings, photographs, books, poems and song. But to no avail, we are unable to describe Him in His infinite glory and splendor. Men are limited by pen, by words, brushstrokes, eyes, and our hearts. How can one with limits ever endeavor or ascribe to capture One without any?

It is impossible and that is the tragedy of being human. So long as we remain here on earth we will never fully understand, but we can know that it is true. And from that truth and acception of it, comes joy.
Our thoughts are not His thoughts and neither are our ways His ways. No! They are higher, lofty, and greater than all. They hold weight and power.

We seek to find something we forgot and find nothing.
We are compelled to capture unobtainable beauty but are thwarted.
Something in us does not allow it. It is our flesh—our humanity.

Humans can only obtain what is given.
Humans can only find what is revealed.

We try to understand but are left confused. Humans can only understand what can never be explained by humans, through divine revelation from God.
We know what He allows or lets us know and the truth that God set eternity in our hearts only fuels this great perplexion. Why? Why that? He could have put, love, joy peace, kindness—but eternity?
God Himself set eternity in our hearts so we would know that indeed there is more than what is seen. So that we would recognize that the longing within us wasn’t by accident, but held purpose: the purpose of bringing His children back to Him;redeeming a generation of orphens, widows, and fatherless for His Kingdom. The purpose of glory for Him.

Eternity is not an emotion, thought, or idea. It is forever, and we believe.

So why eternity? Because it is not something we automatically accept at first. We bat it away like a mosquito. We run from it as if it were a rabid dog. But it is real, and clearly He wanted us to remember. To remember something we’ve never met. Why? So we would recognize it when we see it and believe. Eternity is Him.

Longing for more is not a moment or expressive thought or a painting or a photograph or for that matter a book or poem: Longing for more is longing for Him. The ache we feel buried so deep is not a burden but a birthright. Only those who are His will recognize it as Him. We were created with the longing because the creator created us, for His glory, of which we long for. He left His fingerprints on our hearts and can never forget us: we are engraved on the palms of His hands.

It is not by mistake that nothing on earth can satisfy, for nothing temporal can answer the question of eternal or stand up to forever or hold the weight of no-end. All pursuits are counterfeit except those of God. He is gracious to reveal Himself, but His insurmountable glory, of that, we must wait until the day of Christ Jesus. On that day we will most assuredly enjoy the spoils of the longing and be more than able to put a face to it, that of our savior: Jesus, the One and Only.

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