Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Someone saved, someone saved, someone saved my life tonight...

"The Lord is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made. The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them. The Lord watches over all who love him..." Psalm 145: 17-20

Jesus saved my life Thursday night October 22nd. Here's my story...

Last week some very curious things kept happening and presented themselves as I drove home from work. There are two roads I can choose to take that lead me home:CR 26 or 70. In general, if I'm coming home very late at night (after 10pm) I choose to take 70 because it's not as curvy and has less traffic. This road has a place within it that houses a railway--the trains literally drive over the road. Monday night I find myself on CR 70. All is quiet...not a single car on the road to keep me company. Just me and The Blazer. I come to the railroad crossing and look to my left and I see a train coming right at me! Only,there was no train. I shrugged off the matter and attributed my "hallucination" to general fatigue or tiredness. Tuesday night I find myself on the same road, crossing the same railroad tracks and AGAIN I see a train coming directly at me! But, there was no train...Wednesday was my off-day from work and I met up with my precious sister Linn Lazenby. We went to church and had a wonderful evening together and the Lord definitely spoke to us that night--but those things are for another blog post time and place :) On my way home from Linn's house I was driving and again I find myself on CR-70. This time I am blocked by the longest tractor-trailer I have every seen before in my life! I am not exaggerating when I tell you that it was as long as 6 18-wheelers! It even had three police escorts that blocked off the entire road so it could make turns. Did I mention the police escorts were FBI-esque Tahoes? They were...So my plan to drive down CR-70 was thwarted and I opted to take CR-26 instead. I made it back safe and sound--no big deal. Thursday night I finished working very late into the evening and began my trek home around 10:30pm. It had been storming all day and was currently holding down a constant, moderate downpour. I'm driving about 55mph, have on my high beams and the radio is off so I can focus on the road. I come to the railroad crossing...the lights aren't flashing...the bells aren't sounding...I look to my left and see a train barreling down the tracks(*remember the tracks cross the road)&I am about 10 feet away from the tracks when I realize that indeed there is a REAL train and indeed the lights are not flashing and indeed I am about to die. I cry out:"JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!" Immediately the Blazer stops on a dime! I am exactly 10 feet away from the long black train. What is amazing is that what happened completely defies the laws of motion--specifically Inertia: An object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. So picture my situation: I am driving in a Chevrolet Blazer (notorious for flipping and hydroplaning) in the rain at a speed of 55mph. What should have happened was that the Blazer should have hydroplaned when I slammed on the breaks, causing me to go directly into the train's path. I should have been thrown around in the vehicle or at worst thrown through the windshield. But none of that happened. As soon as I cried out to Jesus I felt like I hit a wall--an invisible buffer. Kind of like when you're competing in an egg toss. You don't just catch the egg like you would a ball or something. No, you cradle it and receive it in your hands so it won't crack. Well, that's what happened. I stopped right in front of the tracks...everything I had in my passenger seat remained exactly where it had been before--nothing moved---nothing had been shaken. There was peace. I was surrounded by the Grace of God and His peace. He saved me! He had been telling me all week! He is always speaking to us--we have to become aware of His voice and recognize that indeed it is Our Father's. I shouldn't be here and yet, I am. He showed me the train long before I encountered it. There were no warning lights from the tracks---but the Lord had already shown me. He is mighty to save! He is my fortress...a sure help in times of trouble. He turned to me and heard my cry. He is Good! He is my savior...He is my Jesus--the great interceder!


Lauren said...

Hallelujah and amen.

Anonymous said...

WHOA! Thank YOU JESUS for saving my sweet, precious friend and thank you Lord that she recognizes Your voice!

PP, it was just not your time, which means He has something great in store for you!!


Shane, LaJuan, Jocelyn and Gabbie said...

wow....now i see why you wanted me to read it...amazing!!!